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Roxane Metayer Live in Tokyo 2023

※Ayami Suzukiは、体調不良により出演キャンセルとなりました。
ロクサーヌ・メタイヤー (バイオリン、エレクトロニクス)/ Roxane Metayer (violin, electronics)
これまでに、Kraak、Morc、Primordial Void、Wabi-Sabi tapes、Marionnette Labelなどからアルバムをリリースしている。最近のコンサートは、トビリシのMutant Radio、ロンドンのCafe OTO、AB Salon、Ateliers Claus、Atelier 210、ブリュッセルのBeursschouwburg、パリのInstants Chavirésで行われた。年内にベルギーのレーベル、Matière Mémoireからアルバムがリリースされる。
Roxane Métayer is a french musician and artist based in Brussels. Her visual work depicts fictitious fauna and flora through different mediums and materials such as beeswax, clay, or soap. Between folk and experimental music, her project is made of sound recordings made in nature, violin, wind instruments, percussion, and his own voice.
She has released several albums, notably with the Kraak label, Morc, Primordial Void, Wabi-Sabi tapes and Marionnette Label. Her last concerts took place at Mutant Radio in Tbilissi, at the Café Oto in London, at the AB Salon, at the Ateliers Claus, at the Atelier 210, at the Beursschouwburg in Brussels, at the Instants Chavirés in Paris… During the course of the year an album will be released by the Belgian label Matière Mémoire.
秋山徹次 (ギター) / Tetuzi Akiyama (guitar)
©️Junko Iwasaki
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