Beautiful Birds Singing
Akaihirume is a Japanese singer whose ear is always tuned to the world’s sounds, which she keeps as material in her shell.
As both her own compositions and improvisations using her wide range of vocalizations, she has worked on her solo performances and collaborations with artists in various formats.
鈴木彩文(Ayami Suzuki)
東京を拠点に活動するミュージシャン、アーティスト、即興演奏家。ソングライティングと即興を掛け合わせ、フォークの影響を取り入れたアンビエントの制作を中心に行う。アイルランドと英国での数年間の留学を経て2019年に東京に戻って以来、ソロアーティストやコラボレーターとして精力的に活動している。Longform Editions、Lontano Series、Healing Sound Propagandist、Ftarri、Cosima Pitzからの最近のリリースは、ボーカルアンビエントへの特異なアプローチを示しており、幽玄なボーカルを環境音と融合させ、形のなさ、没入感、広がりを同時に感じさせる方法をとっている。
Ayami Suzuki is a Tokyo-based musician, artist and improviser. Her practice revolves around creating ambient soundscapes that incorporate her folk influences in a synthesis of songwriting and improvisation. Since returning to Tokyo in 2019 after several years of studies in Ireland and the UK, she has become an active performer, collaborator and solo artist. Her recent releases for Lontano Series, Healing Sound Propagandist, Ftarri and Cosima Pitz showcase her singular approach to vocal ambient music, often fusing her ethereal vocals with environmental sounds in a way that feels formless, immersive and expansive all at once.
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